During this course you learn about what to expect during your birth, labor and postpartum period. You will learn how to have a fearless birth and be calm and confident.

Knowledge is power. The more you know about your birth experience, the more prepared you will be. Knowing what to expect can help to eliminate fear, help to keep you grounded and ensure that you are an active participant in all decision making.

You will be given all the tools needed to build your confidence and trust in your body’s innate ability to birth your baby, as well as priceless coping techniques that every woman should know. These techniques are golden and ensure that you and your partner have the best experiece possible.

This course is filled with evidence based information on topics including:

Normal Birth Physiology

Natural and Medicated Birth

 Hospital Procedures

Ways to Advocate for Yourself

Birth Plans/Preference

Interventions -Indications, Risks and Benefits

When a Cesarean is Necessary & What to Expect

Postpartum Recovery

Comfort & Coping Techniques

Breathing Techniques

Positions for Labor & Pushing – These positions facilitate the baby’s decent into the pelvis. 

Partner Support Techniques

Meditations, Affirmations and Visualizations                                                                        

Choices: Birthing Places- Home, Birth Center or Hospital

Get 15% OFF!

FOUR WEEK CLASS $374 (Save $66) 

4 Two hour classes: Saturdays Aug.  10th, 17th, 24th & 31st 10am-12pm


Course Fee :


This is an interactive virtual class. Participants will receive a Zoom link after payment is received.